Want a healthy lawn? We can help.
At Premium Lawn Service we are dedicated to quality - ensuring your lawn remains lush, vibrant, and well-maintained. Our comprehensive services are tailored to meet your specific needs and encompass design, installation, and servicing of existing system. Take your lawn care to the next level with our WiFi controller upgrade, offering enhanced convenience and control right at your fingertips. Experience the Premium Lawn Service difference and let us transform your lawn into a masterpiece. For more information and to discuss your lawn care needs, please reach out to our trained professionals who are ready to assist you.
Design & Installation
Premium Lawn Services's trained lawn professionals will design your irrigation system to ensure proper coverage of your lawn so that you avoid dry spots. The design will also take into consideration all of your landscaping so that it receives the proper coverage as well. All of our irrigation systems have a 5 year warranty.
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Spring Setup
Get ready for the summer season with Premium Lawn's Spring Setup. We'll check your current system, make any adjustments needed, and get your lawn ready for the upcoming weather with no hassle.
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Fall Blowout
Before the temperatures drop, it's important to make sure your pipes are free of excess water that could freeze and cause a wintery mess. Premium Lawn Service's Fall blowout will expel all of the water out of your pipes to prevent damage to your home.
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Repair / Services
Premium Lawn Service's trained technicians will be onsite if needed to repair or provide service to your irrigation system. They'll also answer questions you might have and make recommendations to prevent overwatering or other damage to your lawn or landscaping.
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